

Back-to-school is already here—can you believe it? Across the country, schools have begun to hold open house and orientation events to introduce students and their parents to their new teachers and classroom. It’s the perfect time to forge a relationship with your child’s teacher and obtain some key information about their classroom policies.

While you may need to obtain certain information specific to your child’s needs, there are a few questions we recommend all parents ask of teachers and administration at an open house event:

  • “How will you keep parents informed of activities, homework, events and other updates?” You need to anticipate whether you’ll need to check your inbox or your child’s backpack for classroom updates and information.

  • “How much homework do you assign, what kind of extra help do you offer and what is the consequence for uncompleted homework?” Know how much time your child will need to allot for homework each night and the consequences they may face for not doing their homework. If your child is struggling in a certain subject, it’s important to know where to seek tutoring, if necessary.

  • What are your methods of discipline?” It’s important to know how your child’s teacher will handle discipline in the classroom.

  • What is the school’s/teacher’s educational philosophy?” Think about what’s most important to your family in terms of education: is it raising young leaders? Getting ahead in STEM subjects? Fostering a love of reading? If the teacher’s response doesn’t match your priorities for educating your child, consider setting a follow-up meeting to further discuss the subject.

  • “What do you do when students are ahead of or behind grade level?” Understand the teacher’s plan of action for students who may need special attention or help.

  • “How does the school ensure that students stay current with technology?” Your child’s exposure to current technology and software programs may give them the edge they need for success. If you have doubts about this area, plan to speak with administrators at a later date.

  • How does faculty and staff receive continuing education?” Most parents want their children to be educated by those who are continually educated themselves. Find out your teacher’s own plan for continuing education, as well as the school’s initiatives.

Most importantly, we recommend that you simply show up to your child’s open house, whether you prepare questions or not. This will help establish a positive relationship with your child’s teacher and ultimately help your child succeed. And everyone can agree: success is the goal!

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