

One Oak Cliff-based Girl Scout troop has such a thirst for learning about business and helping others that they’re offering the community something just as delicious as cookies: lemonade.

The troops has been working with Lemonade Day in Houston for the past three years, and they’re thrilled to see it spread to Dallas this year. True to their mission of making the world a better place, they’ve shared some secrets on how to succeed on Lemonade Day.

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Love Lemonade

When it was time to raise money for their first community service project and the idea of Lemonade Day came up, they jumped at the chance—especially since they already had a passion for lemonade. (Contributor: Ry’Nesha Wilson)

Believe in Your Charity

The Girl Scouts visited the Family Place and learned that the families there had left their homes due to violence. The victims had nothing but the clothes on their backs, so the girls decided to provide them with clothing and games. They also held a family fun day, complete with a bounce house, games and food. (Contributor: Tamaya Gray)

After that, they started donating to children at Children’s Hospital in Dallas who didn’t have enough money for food. They donated supplies to the family members who spent nights with their children at the hospital, including toiletries, coloring books and puzzle books. (Contributor: Tiara Manning)

Build a Successful Stand

The girls advised other kids to promote their stands by doing these three things: telling everyone about it beforehand, making the best lemonade possible and choosing a location with a lot of people. (Aniyah Hewitt, Kali’yah Edwards, Keiandon Porter)

Enjoy the Experience

One scout, A’sha Mainning-Mumphrey, said her favorite thing about Lemonade Day is communicating with and giving time to her community, which makes her church proud. She likes learning to manage money and time, and knows that her participation helps both her and her community.

Ra’Ana and Madison Williams said Lemonade Day that is fun because they get to spend time with their troop, watch the customers enjoy the lemonade and be part of an event that helps others.

Learn from the Experience.

Through the years, Raujanae’ and Raijanae Wilson have learned to advertise Lemonade Day to their friends and family beforehand. They make posters and flyers and pass them out in the neighborhood and at school.

Wise Words from a Troop Leader

Leader Eva Nelson said Lemonade Day opens the girls’ eyes to needs within the community and gives them courage to talk to others about the charities. Their ability to raise money and achieve goals instills them with confidence and pride. 

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