
We depend on volunteers!

Help us impact the youth in our community! Whether you'd like to assist us in stuffing backpacks, share our page on your social media, or mentor a future entrepreneur, we can use your help!


Use the form below to connect with us about participating in Lemonade Day Greater Vancouver.

If you're interested in being paired with a youth to mentor, please complete the volunteer form below and select "Mentoring" as your area of interest. 

  • Stuff backpacks
  • Mentor youth
  • Spread the news about Lemonade Day by distributing materials to local schools, clubs or youth organizations
  • Register youth to participate at special events
  • Do you blog? Tweet? Are you on Facebook? Help us spread the word about Lemonade Day online!

On average 66% of Lemonade Day participants shared a portion of their profit with a local charity.